the missionaries in Huancayo went to Huaytapallana glacier for Pday. Elder
Collantes and I stayed behind because we couldn't make the hike. We did go to a
park called El Parque de los Mates. It was pretty cool.
I completed 20 months in the mission. I went to a district meeting in the zone
Mantaro with Elder Islas and Elder Collantes. Later I went with Elder Calle to
buy groceries for this weeks’ worth of breakfast. We went to Plaza Vea (which
is in Real Plaza) to buy all of it. It's the closest thing to Wal-Mart that
they have here.
Wednesday I went and taught a lesson with Elder Collantes and Elder Islas to
some really good investigators. It was nice to get out and teach a little bit.
I really miss it!! I pray my knee gets better soon!
was a normal day – a lot of rest and icing. Some guy came over and we installed
some new shower heaters in the new house. We have been showering with cold
water so it is nice to have hot water!
we found out that President Henderson has a bad foot infection. So he will be
in Lima a little longer than was planned. The consejo for the zone leaders this
next Tuesday is canceled until further notice. I worked on the English book a
little today. I haven't had much time to work on it because the office staff
needs the use of the computers.
was Pday because the Pday for the office elders is Saturday, since Mondays are
usually too busy for them. We went to this place called Ingenio, which is about
an hour outside of Huancayo, and they cook rainbow trout. It was very, very
good! After that we went to Real Plaza to get a milkshake before we started our

Sunday I went to church with La Libertad. We had fast and testimony meeting and
it was awesome. We had a good lunch after our fast. I went and taught a lesson
with Elder Compton and Elder Holmes. In the middle of our discussion Elder
Holmes got a call from Presidente so he went out and answered it. A minute
later he called me out because President Henderson wanted to talk to me. I asked how his foot was and he said, not good. He
asked me how my knee was and I said it was all right – about the same and kind
of hurts. He said okay, that's what I need to know. Presidente is hospitalized
right now and hopefully he will be back soon. Well, have a great week and I
will talk to you guys soon for Mother's Day!